Hello and welcome to my Jeremy Sumpter Website. My name is Sandra L. Hibbard and I am a Jeremy Sumpter Fan. I just fell in love with Peter Pan and decided to make this Fan Website for Jeremy Sumpter. Please enter and have a great time. I have a lot of neat pages to view and a major Photo Gallery for your enjoyment. I will be working on this all through my stay here in Baghdad Iraq.

Yes I am here in Baghdad Iraq serving my country in the US Army. I am part of the 1st Calvary Division from Ft Hood, TX. It is getting much better over here. I will be putting up a Website for pics that I have taken over here. It will be up soon. So just enjoy your selves and let me know what you think by signing my Guest Book. Just to let all of my regular readers know that come to visit my Christ Jesus Website, I have moved it to my Angelfire Website because I have 50 megs of space on that site so it will allow me to be able to put a lot more into it. I plan on adding a page for the Book of Enoch as well as a more thorough in detail explination into the Book of Revelations. I will also be adding the Book of Daniel. You may go to my Christ Jesus Website by clicking here.

Just to let you know, I have no affiliation with Jeremy Sumpter and the only way I can contact him is through Fan Mail, you can find the address at which is his major Website that he is affiliated with. Who knows, he might come by and sign my guest book some time but for now I have no affiliation with him.

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Sandra L Hibbard / E FSMC, 215 FSB / 3 BCT, 1 CD / APO AE 09348